Recent reflections: tree lore, honouring my body and balancing light and shadow

Recent reflections from Instagram

One of the things I’m trying to be more conscious of is the way I share reflections across platforms. Instagram is often the home of my in-the-moment reflections and thoughts and it tends to be where I go when I have some in the moment, or shorter reflections to share. I want to make sure I’m sharing those here too so this is the first in a series of monthly posts where I let you know what I’ve been up to over on Instagram.

Recent discussion topics have included sacred trees, self-healing, cross-cultural ideas and the balance between light and shadow. Keep scrolling for an overview on the reflections that I shared over on Instagram.

The Banyan Tree, Tree Lore, and Tree Spirituality:

Trees, with their ancient wisdom, hold a special place in various cultures. In a recent post, I reflected on the Banyan Tree, tree lore and tree spirituality. Discover how connecting with tree archetypes can bring about reflections and growth. Head here to read more about sacred trees.

An Apology to My Body:

Embarking on a yoga teacher training journey resulted in a pretty big shift in terms of my relationship to my body. In this post I shared reflections on deeply held trauma and I offered a sincere apology to my body. This post serves as a personal reminder to the transformative power of honouring our bodies acknowledging the times we may have neglected or dishonored them in the past.

Spirit Houses and Cross-Cultural Ideas:

Intrigued by animism—the belief that everything possesses a spirit—I reflected on this concept across various cultures. From the traditional Corn Dollies in the UK and Ireland to the mystical Spirit Houses of Asia. I am always inspired by the ways ideas, values and beliefs exist across cultures. explore the rich tapestry of animistic ideas that bridge cultural divides.

Make of Yourself a Light: As the Winter Solstice cast its enchanting spell, I shared reflections on the profound concept of embracing our shadows. Both on an individual and collective level, honoring the aspects hidden in our shadows is essential. Join me in contemplating the need to acknowledge, accept, and integrate the shadows within, and discover how this act can illuminate our path towards personal and collective enlightenment.

Follow me on Instagram:

For a continuous stream of updates, musings, and reshared content from those who inspire me, follow my Instagram account. Join a community of seekers, wanderers, and those on a quest for self-discovery. Let's weave a tapestry of shared wisdom and inspiration.

As the journey unfolds, stay tuned for more reflections, insights, and moments of enlightenment. That's all for now, but the exploration continues. Embrace the depth, honor the shadows, and let the journey unfold.


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Breath work and somatic movement sound bath journey with Imani from Align, Don’t Hustle