Lammas or Lughnasadh breathwork and ritual playlist, and journal prompts

A Lammas or Lughnasadh playlist, with journal-prompts, for celebrating the abundance, gratitude and the first harvest

A graphic with a quote from Robin Wall Kimmerer

Hello friends. I have been curating and sharing playlists around the Celtic Pagan Wheel of the Year for some time now. Each time the wheel turns I update my post and playlist from the previous year. This is always a really interesting exercise in observing my own repeating themes and cycles. For an overview of The Wheel of the Year you can check out this post.

Lammas, or Lughnasadh marks the first harvest, as summer fruits and vegetables festivals are ripe and ready to be picked. Lammas means ‘loaf mass’ and our ancestors would have broken bread together to celebrate the fruits of their labour as they harvested the first of their crops.

I reflected last year that I often forget to sit back, enjoy the fruits of my labour and surrender to where I am in this moment. I think this has shifted for me a lot in recent months especially. I am learning to be with what is and to be grateful for what I have in the here and now. This ties in beautifully with Lammas, or Lughnasadh, where we celebrate the fullness of summer, while expressing gratitude for the harvest.

This is bitter-sweet, just like the celebration of Summer Solstice, because we know that every season is ephemeral. The wheel of the year is turning. How can we connect with the light of summer and acknowledge the approaching darkness of Autumn and Winter? How can we sit with our own light and darkness, accepting that both are equally a part of us?

You can use this Lammas,or Lughnasadh playlist to reflect and journal, as part of meditation practice, as a background for a movement-based practice, or as a tool to accompany breathwork. You can find some guidance about how to practice breathwork here.

Here are some prompts that you might wish to reflect on as part of your practice:

  • List the qualities that you see or experience as ‘light’

  • List the qualities that you see or experience as ‘darkness’

  • What does abundance mean to you in this moment?

  • What are you harvesting at this moment?

  • What are you grateful for?

  • How do you express your grattitude?

Lammas or Lughnasadh playlist for breathwork or ritual


Who are you if your story begins to change?


Beltane breathwork or ritual playlist and journal prompts